Jyotima Prasad
Jyotima Prasad is an inspirational speaker, life coach, and humanitarian at heart. She guides people and organizations around the globe using the “Power of Gratitude” to attain new levels of happiness and success. The purpose behind her work is to empower, inspire, and uplift every soul she comes across. She has been able to learn the lessons from her own life experiences and turn them around into blessings. Whether you are a seeker of happiness or on the path of growth, Jyotima helps you emerge empowered and ready to move forward with renewed confidence and eternal happiness. She continues to plant seeds of gratitude through various practices like individual and kids coaching, organizational seminars, community workshops, and keynote speeches.
Her life story conveys a message of hope and resilience. She was diagnosed with Takayasu Arteritis (a rare Pulseless disease) and underwent several medical treatments. It was during this bleak period between life and death, that she learned the Power of Faith, Patience, and Gratitude. These pillars helped her sail through her days of suffering and gradually bounce back to a happy and peaceful life. She has attained these abilities not by magic but by disciplining herself every day through “Sadhna”. She celebrates her blessings with gratefulness and spreads the same to others.
Jyotima now dedicates her life and breath to her God, Guide, and Guru. She is blessed with her supportive husband and two beautiful kids. Her sole purpose in life is to serve humanity and bring about global gratitude awareness. She envisions creating a happy, peaceful, and abundant world. Deep diving in gratitude with Jyotima you can create abundance in every area of your life.